Sunday, January 22, 2012

Homework Help for Friday, January 27th

Hello all!

I have posted a helpful video describing the explaining the steps that must be completed to do the homework due this Friday, January 27th.

The link can be found on the OUSociology Reddit page or here:

Be sure to find your group members on your TA's threads and post your gmails so you can share the document with the appropriate people (and don't forget to share with your TA too).

Don't forget to name your document, which can be done by clicking the "untitled document" at the top left. Give your document the same name as your concept, such as "self" or "identity."

Find your group mates?  Direct link to your TA's thread on OUSociology is linked from the syllabus, here:

It's time to get srs with homework!

Additional follow up advice (was also posted in email to your OU address)

2.  Homework #2 advice/reminders.
2a.   Make sure that you have shared access and editing ability to anyone with the link so that all group members can access it. Make sure that the link on the concept list leads to your shared assignment.  This is how you turn it in.  You simply post the correct link to your assignment in the concept list document.
2b.  Share editing ability directly with your TA, so he or she can inspect the edit history of the document.
2c.  Use the comment feature to put a comment in your document that indicates which definition(s) you found and contributed to the assignment.
2d.  Make sure that you are in contact with your group members everyday this weekend to coordinate around writing the collaborative definition.
2e.  Remember that you need to collaboratively edit a new definition that draws on at least 3 academic sources.  You will need to work with your group members on this, this is why the assignment was introduced a week ago, so that you could make the connections that you need to get your work done.  
2f.  IF you don't have those connections yet, it is not too late, but you need to solve that problem right away.