Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Description of participation from the syllabus:
“Participation will take place in class during review sessions, and to a much greater extent online on OUSociology. There are a lot of points available-- and you are free to pursue them in the ways that you find most interesting. The first 75 points of your participation will come from the sum of your contributions to OUSociology. You do not need to make an exact accounting of these contributions, but in general you should expect that you will need to make a some comments, post some new links, and maybe make a couple major contributions. Exactly how many of each type of contribution that you make is up to you.
Your score for participation and the final 25 pts will come from a short essay where you describe your participation during the quarter. As the quarter goes on, you can collect the highlights of how you have participated in a google document, describe and interpret your contributions to OUSociology. In that document you will discuss the sociological issues that relate to how you participated in class.”
Here is where you turn in your participation summary.
If you already made HW3 then you have already created a rough draft of your participation summary. If you have continued to document your contributions to the course then you are almost ready. Make sure that you have written up a summary of how you have contributed and connected your summary to ideas from the class. The book "The Cognitive Surplus" ought to be especially helpful in that task.
Get all of that written up as you would like, then make sure that you have it shared correctly. This means that you have shared it with anyone who has the link AND your TA has editing access.
Do that, and you are ready to turn it in. Here is the link to turn it in.