Thursday, February 23, 2012

6 participation opportunities during week 9

We are adding six participation opportunities this week.  Two over the weekend plus a new one each class day during week 9.   Each is worth 5 plus 5 points.   Each one will be linked on this page, on the course schedule, and will be discussed on OUSociology.  Cheers!

  1. Gender, expectations and sports.
  2. Standing on the shoulders of giants.  Academic opportunity across generations
  3. Deviance, personal experience, social control and other sociological explanations.
  4. Family history, family names, demography and migration
  5. Gender, sexuality and participation in the military
  6. Cognitive surplus, mechanisms and examples in personal life and media 
All of these will have the same general structure:   some info, a task, a write up, and a discussion.  You get up to 5 points for your write up, and up to 5 points for your high quality contributions to discussion on the topic on OUSociology.