Friday, February 3, 2012

Quiz and Extra Credit Points This Weekend

There are three ways that you can get points in our class this weekend.

  1. Do the second quiz.  It will be posted on our announcement blog Friday afternoon at 2:00.  It will be available until 6 pm Saturday.  
    1. Quiz will be about concepts from the last 2.5 weeks.
  2. Do up to two extra credit definitions on the  Soc 101 Study Guide   (collaboratively written summary of key terms from quarter)
    1. Here is how you do it. 
    2. Log into gmail.
    3. Click this link:  Soc 101 Study Guide
    4. Find a definition that needs writing.
    5. Find the definition from your notes, and at least one book.  Write it up, and make a comment on that term in the study guide and paste your new definition into the study guide.
    6. Make sure that you are logged in and that your gmail login is visible in your comment and you include your first initial and last name or you won't get credit.
    7. Enter your definition into a comment that you add to the document.
    8. Each definition is worth UP TO 5 points.
    9. Extra credit is available until Monday morning at 11:59.
    10. Note:   points depend on the quality of your contribution.  You can add a second definition for the same term if your definition offers substantial and important improvements on the current definition. 
  3. Write up to 5 good answers for questions on the review sheet:  Review sheet for Midterm  (example questions and key terms for midterm exam)
    1. Here is how you do it.
    2. Log into gmail.
    3. Click this link: Review sheet for Midterm
    4. Find a question that needs answering.
    5. Find the relevant ideas in your notes and the slides.   Write up a good answer and paste it into the comment.   
    6. Make sure that you are logged in and that you gmail login, your first initial and last name are visible in your comment or you wont't get credit.
    7. If the current answer is just ok, you can also get credit for providing a second answer that improves upon the current answer in important ways.  
    8. Each answer is worth UP TO 3 points.  
    9. Extra credit is available until Monday morning at 11:59.
    10. Note:   points depend on the quality of your contribution.  You can add a second answer for the same question if your definition offers substantial and important improvements on the current answer.