Jane McGonigal thinks that more people should play games. She also thinks that games have a highly motivating incentive structure that gets people doing creative work. We are going to use her ideas to help organize the participation in Soc 101.
She has a great TED talk. "Gaming can make a better world" and a bunch more info on her website, Reality is Broken. If you remember from our syllabus, you have a lot of control over how you participate in this class and can treat it like a game, but you will need to step your game up.
You will need three things:
- A google account so you can make a Google document.
- A reddit account that has access to OUSociology
- A bunch of things that you have done related to participation in class.
Part #3 is the key. So you will need some things to do. Here is a start of a list, which we will add to and when possible we will also link these to threads on OUSociology where you can participate.
- Participate in existing OUSociology threads by commenting and upvoting good comments and threads.
- Upvote the threads that you think are good.
- Find an examples in the media of concepts and ideas from class. Create a post about it and make an informative comment, and participate in the subsequent conversation about it in the thread.
- Get other people you know in the class to participate in your threads.
- Create a video that demonstrates how to do parts of homework #3, or demonstrates how to get things done in reddit or google docs.
- Post links to these and answer questions in the HW3 help thread.
- Contribute to the Sociology Meme thread in OUSociology: You contribute any meme related to concepts or ideas from sociology. thread here.
- Contribute ideas of your own about ways to participate in the participation ideas thread. thread here.
Many more ideas will be added above-- but a very good way to get started is to find something interesting that is already on OUSociology and make a valuable comment to the thread.
What is the deliverable? You are going to begin the page where you summarize your participation in the class so far.
Use the example and the turn in questions to make sure you are including the info we will need to access your participation.
This is where you will turn your Homework #3 (Participation Summary)
The survey part lets you spell out where you have participated so far, and we will use this, along with your documentation to update your participation points on BB. This is DUE by Friday the 23rd. IF you get it done before Wednesday the 21st you will get 5 points extra credit.