Friday, February 24, 2012

Quiz Three!


Do your own work.  Quiz is due by Saturday at 6:00 pm.

After you decide on your answers, go to this link:

The questions:

1.  In Chapter 1 of Clay Shirkey’s book Cognitive Surplus, he asserts that:
A. although the Internet is becoming more and more popular, people should just spend their time watching TV.
B. sociologists found that Gin was the reason that there was so much crime in England in the late 1800s.
C. television is more mentally stimulating than posting on the Internet or drinking with friends.
D. although people claim that people are becoming more isolated by the Internet, social networks have actually helped people to actively collaborate and interact with one another.

2.  Chapter 3 of the Shirky book illustrates an example of human motivation that contributed to the widely successful philanthropic organization “Grobanites for Charity”. Which answer best explains why this organization became so successful?
A. Those who developed the charity organization gained intrinsic rewards through feelings of autonomy, competence, and a shared common interest in the foundation.
B. They replaced their amateur website with one done by professionals, which was better developed and able to gather more donations than before.
C. The administrators of the organization became addicted to the cause and were further motivated by doing something for the public, rather than their shared common interests.
D. The organizers did not expect the foundation to be so successful and by retaining 20% of the donations, they began to get very rich.

3. When people are ranked in a hierarchy that differentiates them according to gradations of superiority or inferiority, this is called ___________; in which  rewards and resources of the society are unequally distributed according to this system. Most crucially, this social location system determines for people the chances for ___________________.
A.  Social Differentiation  . . .   a longer, healthier, and more enjoyable life.
B.  Social Stratification  . . .     a longer, healthier, and more enjoyable life.
C.  Segregation   . . .       upward mobility.
D.  Social Structuring  . . .  downward mobility.

4.  An __________ status is something you were born into and an example is ____________
A.  Achieved . . .  the president of the United States
B.  Achieved . . . your race
C.  Ascribed . . . a college degree
D.  Ascribed . . . the heir to the throne of a monarchy
E.  B and C
F.  A and D

5.  Ethnic groups exist due to sentiments which bind individuals into solidarity groups on some cultural basis. When ethnic minorities begin to take on the cultural characteristic of the dominant society and their new environment, it is called:
A. Accommodation
B. Membership Rejection
C. Continued Membership
D. Assimilation

6.  “Systematic disparity in rights, opportunities, access to goods based on race or ethnicity” refers to:
A. Racism
B. Ethnic conflict
C. Racial and ethnic inequality
D. Stratification

7. Jeremy Lin and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are both examples of:
A. How bad neighborhoods effect what a person is able to do in terms of their career
B. People of color excelling in fields traditionally thought to be meant for whites
C. How people can often transcend the stereotypes associated with their ascribed racial or ethnic roles
D. How stereotypes are often true and are worth examining sociologically

8.  According to the “Social Causation of Prejudice,” which of the following is NOT a measure expected to erode prejudice?
A. Eliminate affirmative action
B. Reduce intergroup competition
C. Encourage interdependence
D. Eliminate forced status inequality

9. In lecture we determined that gender is Achieved and sex is Ascribed. Which of the following status’s is achieved?
A.  Daughter
B.  Hispanic
C.  Royal Prince
D.  Republican

10.  Like other types of stratification, gender inequality has many dimensions.  For example, according to data from the Standard Cross Cultural Sample of 186 pre-modern societies, in 88% of these societies political leaders are always male, in only 10% of these societies  do women have any political rights (see Stark, 2007: 325) [discussed in slide 8 from Monday of week 8].  These gender based inequalities would be described as _______________ .   A general movement towards universal human rights has led to a reduction in such inequalities.  However, extensive ___________________  remain in many modern societies.     
A.  Inequalities of rights and opportunities   . . . .     inequalities of outcome
B.  Inequalities of outcomes        . . . .  inequalities of rights and opportunities  
C.  Inequalities of outcomes     . . . .    stereotypes
D.  Inequalities of rights and opportunities   . . . .   stereotypes

11. ___________ is when people lack access to the basic necessities of life, such as food, water, and shelter, and ___________ is when people are unable to maintain an average standard of living.
A.  Absolute poverty . . . stratification
B.  Stratification . . . relative poverty
C.  Relative poverty . . . . absolute poverty
D.  Absolute poverty . . . . relative poverty

12.  The Conflict Theory of Stratification states that those in a dominant position in society will attempt to use their power to advance their own interests.  Which of the following examples does NOT illustrate this theory?
A.  A poker player with a lot of chips betting high amounts to scare off the players with less chips
B.  The Red Cross raises money through U.S. charities to travel to other countries to help during disasters
C.  The wealthy lobbying to congress to vote for policies that lower taxes on businesses
D.  Larger, wealthier businesses lowering prices until smaller businesses are forced to close